Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? We have answers!

If you don’t see what you are looking for, please contact us with your questions. More information can be found on the Metro Vancouver site for Minnekhada Regional Park.

Yes! We use volunteers in all kinds of capacities to assist us in our mission here at the Park. Volunteers assist with bat counts, toadlet counts, invasive species removal, and community outreach projects. Our Board is also made up of volunteers! 

Fill out a VOLUNTEER FORM to get started.

No, our parking is free.

Minnekhada Regional Park is strictly an ON LEASH park. Due to the abundant wildlife at the park, we ask that dogs be kept on a leash at all times. The park has many active bears and by keeping your dog on a leash our hope is to minimize dog/bear interactions. We also have many nesting birds, amphibian migrations, etc. which are negatively impacted by off trail dogs. 

Thank you for leashing your dog at all times while at the park.

April 2 to September 2: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm​​
September 3 to 23: 7:00 am – 8:00 pm​

There are a number of trails in Minnekhada Regional Park, including: 

  • 10.2km total distance of all trails.
  • Lodge Trail is about 2 km return from the Quarry Road Entrance. Mostly flat with excellent wildlife viewing along the Lower Marsh. Take a break at the small picnic area before returning, having a peek at Minnekhada Lodge, or continuing along Fern Trail.
  • Fern Trail is 2.7 km return from the small picnic area near the lodge. Rolling with some steep sections. Enjoy views of Pitt River and Addington Marsh from the Addington Lookout.
  • The high knoll is accessible from multiple trails and gives wonderful views of the Pitt River and surrounding area.

Link to PARK MAP.

​​There is no cycling on park trails. Cycling is only permitted on Oliver Road, the paved ​riverway to the lodge, and adjacent Pitt River dykes. Bike racks are located at the Quarry Road Entrance, the picnic area, and Minnekhada Lodge

The lodge is a bookable facility (click HERE for more information) and is often used for weddings and other get-togethers as well as MPA meetings and even movie shoots. The lodge is open to the public on the first Sunday of the month from February through December, 1 – 4 pm.

Indoor and outdoor facilities can be reserved. Minnekhada Lodge is open to the public on the first Sunday of the month and m​ost other Sundays, February through December, from 1 – 4 pm. ​Contact Metro Vancouver for more information.

The farm has more or less been left to naturalize at this time and this is providing valuable habitat to many species. There are also structures that are unsafe for public access as well as private dwellings. Access can be arranged by permit for monitoring or research purposes. One great way to visit the farm is by volunteering as our volunteers are escorted into the farm area for activities like Bat Counts! VOLUNTEER FORM

Currently there are no plans to change the status of the farm or allow public access. We have been collecting public feedback about the future direction of the farm and you are most welcome to fill out our SHORT SURVEY here.

The public is most welcome to take and share photos of the park, however photoshoots or professional (for profit) photos need to be permitted by Metro Vancouver. Link HERE for more information.

Drones are not allowed in/over any Metro Vancouver Regional Park, except with special permission from Metro Vancouver.

MPA members are always welcome to attend. Members of the public can request attendance at a future board meeting by sending an email to

There is a pit toilet located at the Quarry Road parking lot at the trailhead. There is also a pit toilet located at the picnic area located on the south end of the marsh.

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