When: Sat, April 30, 2022 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Where: Minnekhada Regional Park, Coquitlam, BC
Contact: Minnekhada Coordinator Contact Email: coordinator@minnekhada.ca
Open Volunteer Spots: 5
Part of the Tri Cities Nature Challenge, this easy guided hike is suitable for all ages and most abilities. We will highlight some of the interesting natural areas at Minnekhada and give you an opportunity to use the free iNaturalist app to help document species within the park and our local area. iNaturalist is not required but we do encourage you to install it on your Apple or Android device ahead of time.
This hike is extra special because you will have an exclusive opportunity to visit parts of the Historic Minnkehada Farm, which is typically not accesible by the public.
For More Information about Nature Challenge Activities in the Tri-Cities please check out this page https://www.coquitlam.ca/1151/City-Nature-Challenge